Ask Pregnancy and Newborn magazine to write about CHD awareness week

I love the Internet. It allows me to contact groups that could really help spread awareness on a broad scale.

Through Twitter I asked Pregnancy and Newborn magazine if they would be covering CHD awareness week and they said "most likely".
Sooooo to help encourage them to definitely post about CHD, I am asking everyone to send them a short and sweet email, showing your support and passion about this very important topic.

Feel free to copy and paste the following, just be sure to add your own story:

Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine,

I am writing in the hopes that you will feature an article about Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Awareness Week. It begins February 7th till the 14th and is a very important topic to me. 

----insert personal story----

CHD is the most common birth defect and affects over 40,000 babies each year in the US. Spreading awareness of CHD can literally save lives and I hope that you will join us in educating parents about this. I hope that you will also mention pulse oximetry. Pulse ox is a test that screens for heart defects and helps prevent babies from going home undetected. Pulse ox is saving lives in the 7 states that have implemented screening, but we all need to push for the rest of the country to follow suite and I know that your readers can help us do that.

Thank you for helping us make a difference,

Yours truly,


Email it to:

Now go and share with your friends!