A fantastic way to learn more about a certain topic is to join a webinar.
You are able to ask questions and talk to real people about issues that may be happening to you right now. I have joined my fair share in the last year and I really enjoy them mainly because I feel like I'm actually learning something instead of just reading an article that you will soon forget.
The Global Genes Project is one of the world's leading organizations for rare and genetic diseases. According to their website, there are over 7,000 rare diseases in the world, and 1 in 10 people in the world suffer from one of them.
During 2013, they will be hosting a series of webinars geared towards education and spreading the word about the RARE community. The first of which will be about newborn screening.
"Many more diseases can be detected at birth than are currently part of the newborn screening panels in each state. Join us for a vibrant discussion and to learn more about why the states have different screening panels, how a particular screen can become part of your state’s NBS panel, how the federal SACHDNC panel influences state screening, and the importance of renewing the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007."
It's really easy to join, just click here and you will be taken to the registration page.
This webinar is a chance for you to become better educated on the process and meet some influential people in the newborn screening community. One of which is a fellow workforce member, Bill, who runs Grey's Gift Memorial Foundation, an amazing non profit organization that was established after the death of his son Greyson. Had Greyson had a simple heel prick, his life threatening Krabbe Disease would have been caught. But thanks to the very hard work of his parents, there is now a law named after Greyson that added 24 screenings to the Texas newborn screening panel; ranking them among the top 7 states in the country, screening for 52 conditions.
There is limited space so sign up now! And help me spread the word by sharing on Facebook and Twitter.
You are able to ask questions and talk to real people about issues that may be happening to you right now. I have joined my fair share in the last year and I really enjoy them mainly because I feel like I'm actually learning something instead of just reading an article that you will soon forget.
The Global Genes Project is one of the world's leading organizations for rare and genetic diseases. According to their website, there are over 7,000 rare diseases in the world, and 1 in 10 people in the world suffer from one of them.
During 2013, they will be hosting a series of webinars geared towards education and spreading the word about the RARE community. The first of which will be about newborn screening.

It's really easy to join, just click here and you will be taken to the registration page.
This webinar is a chance for you to become better educated on the process and meet some influential people in the newborn screening community. One of which is a fellow workforce member, Bill, who runs Grey's Gift Memorial Foundation, an amazing non profit organization that was established after the death of his son Greyson. Had Greyson had a simple heel prick, his life threatening Krabbe Disease would have been caught. But thanks to the very hard work of his parents, there is now a law named after Greyson that added 24 screenings to the Texas newborn screening panel; ranking them among the top 7 states in the country, screening for 52 conditions.
There is limited space so sign up now! And help me spread the word by sharing on Facebook and Twitter.